
Growth Coaching.

Growth… it seems like a good idea, but the reality is, we humans usually fight change until staying how we are and not changing something is undeniably making our lives suck. Guess what helps when you don’t want to do something, but know it is good for you? a friend. a circle. community. We are social creatures who are hugely supported by being with others in our vulnerable processes. We are meant to work on the hard stuff together, not all alone.

Embodiment Coaching.

Our bodies are incredible at giving us information. Most modern Western societies are superb at keeping us disconnected and distrusting of the understanding we gain through the sensory, emotional and intuitive data collecting systems of the body. Let’s dust off those somatic body-based receptors and our abilities to tune into and trust them and remember how to use this wisdom in service of our lives. And in return, let’s learn how to take excellent care of ourselves with the information we receive from ourselves.

Nervous System Support.

Ok, so if our nervous systems get out of balance, we experience everything as really overwhelming, and actually rather terrifying. I have something for you…it’s kind of like a multi-tool that you can take with you into the forest when you only have so much pocket space, but it still gives you a tool for every scenario. I offer a selection of tangible tools to help you regulate your nervous system. You are able to reduce your anxiety and move yourself toward a sense of safety and ease & you can pull it out of your pocket at any time. The forest is not so scary or overwhelming anymore because you come prepared.

Frequently Asked Questions:

  • I have a Masters in Psychology in the Marriage and Family Therapy Program (MFT). BUT I do not have my license, so I cannot offer therapy even though I was trained in that arena. That is why I am offering services as a “Life Coach.”

  • I have a sliding scale from $60-$120. You are the one who knows what makes sense with your income and the frequency you want to be seen. If you are able to give more, it supports others in paying less.

  • I do not currently take insurance. I am hoping to take Medi-Cal within the next 6 to 9 months after I get some things situated.

  • Any tools or strategies I offer are always an invitation, not a requirement. I may offer things that may be outside of a person’s comfort zone or that feel unfamiliar, but a huge part of my work with anyone is creating safety and trust and helping people sense and assert their boundaries. This situation is no different, and I will always make sure that folks are ready to try something new, and stop if they discover they need to stop, take a break, or return to another strategy. While, I am coming to my work with people from the lens of somatics and body wisdom, I also have plenty of other tools that I am happy to use. Our work together is a collaborative process, and a huge part of that is listening to and responding to where a person is at, what they are comfortable with and what they are needing at any given time. Each person has full choice and say about what they would like to try and what they are not interested in or comfortable with at any given time.

  • We work together to decide how often it makes sense for us to meet based on the amount of support you are needing to manage your current challenges as well as what goals yo have for the changes you want to make.

  • While I have plenty of experience as a school counselor and working with kids in other arenas, I am not currently offering services to kids. I am currently working with teens and adults.

“We do not grow absolutely, chronologically. We grow sometimes in one dimension, and not in another; unevenly. We grow partially. We are relative. We are mature in one realm, childish in another. The past, present, future mingle and pull us backward, forward, or fix us in the present. We are made up of layers, cells, constellations.”

— Anaïs Nin